We're gearing up for our summer tour, which starts June 25th. But before then, we have a record release show coming up on June 5th, which you'll be able to buy our new record "Vultures At Dawn."
The tour dates are as follows - More are being booked, so chill.
6/25 San Diego, Ca The Ruby Room w/The Funeral Pyre, Chainsaw Carnage, Invocation War + tba 1271 University Ave san diego, California 92110 US
6/26 las vegas,nv Venue: Yayo's 4632 South Maryland Parkway Las Vegas, NV 89119 Contact: Clovenhoof Productions.
6/27 pheonix,az
6/28 tucson, az Skrappys w/ The Funeral Pure, LANDMINE MARATHON
191 East Toole Ave. Tucson, Arizona 85701
6/29 albuqurque, nm
6/30 el paso, tx Venue: Zen Miester bar
7/1 Dallas, tx - Reno's Chop Shop - 210 North Crowdus Street Dallas, TX 75226
7/2 san antonio, tx Venue: Zombies!!! Time: . Address: 12285 Nacogdoches Rd.
7/3 austin, tx
7/4 OFF DATE in dallas
7/5 little rock, ar
7/6 memphis, tn
7/7 louisville, ky Skull Alley w/ The Funeral Pyre, Stonecutters, Graveflower 1017 East Broadway Louisville, Kentucky 40204
7/8 cincinatti, oh
7/9 columbus, oh
7/10 cleveland, oh
7/11 syrcause, ny
7/12 vermont
7/13 new hampshire Dover Brickhouse with/The Funeral Pyre, Astronomer, more. 2 Orchard St. Dover, New Hampshire 03820
7/14 Haverhill, MA @ Anchors Up w/The Funeral Pyre, The_Network
58 River St Haverhill, Massachusetts 01830
7/15 conn
7/16 mass
7/17 nyc, ny venue: The union pool 484 Union Ave. Brooklyn, NY 11211.
7/18 pittsburgh, pa Belvedere’s w/ The Funeral Pyre, Peregrine 4016 Butler St Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15201
7/19 Indianapolis, IN
7/20 chicago/springfield, IL
7/21 st louis, mo - FUBAR 3108 Locust, St. Louis, MO 63103 with Early Graves/Peregrine
7/22 kc, mo
7/23 Lincoln/Omaha, NE - The Manor 1710 S. 29th St. Omaha, NE 68105
7/24 Cheyenne, Wy @ Ernie November 217 West Lincolnway
Cheyenne, WY 82001
7/25 denver, co venue: blastomat - 2935 W. 7th Ave
Denver,CO 80204 w/Belhor, Iron Horse, Orgy For Satan
7/26 slc, utah
7/27 Garden City, ID 29710 Brawl Studios w/ Feminist, Black Cloud. 118 E 37th St $7
7/28 spokane, wa
7/29 seattle, wa The Morgue. 5901 Airport Way S. Seattle, Wa 98108 w/ elitist, direwolf, crutches
7/30 tacoma, wa
7/31 portland, or - Plan B 1305 Southeast 8th Avenue with Elitist/Early Graves
8/1 salem or eugene, oregon
8/2 sf, ca
Last, there are preorders up for our new record at the Prosthetic Records site. Be sure you go and check that out. There are cd/shirt deals.
We'll have more news in the coming weeks, so keep checking back.